Our Blog


We share insights and perspective on a variety of topics related to the practice of law.

Regina Lawyers MacKay & McLean Paying GST on an Acreage Purchase What do you know about GST & Acreages? When buying an acreage Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has an administrative presumption that the land in excess of 1/2 a hectare (1.235 acres) is not...

Considering Lake Front

Considering Lake Front

Real Estate Law Experts MacKay & McLean Discuss what to Consider When Purchasing Lake Front Property   Considering lake front property in Saskatchewan? In our latest real estate article we share some important tips and items to consider before you purchase your...

Duty to Disclose

Duty to Disclose

MacKay & McLean Discusses the Duty to Disclose Buying property? Wonder what the obligation on the Seller is to to be honest? This is called the duty to disclose.  When buying property, the rule of thumb is caveat emptor or buyer beware. For this reason many Buyers...

Surveyor’s Certificate

Surveyor’s Certificate

Finding A Surveyor's Certificate  A surveyor's certificate is a drawing that shows the position and size of any buildings in relation to the property lines of the plot of land that confirms or refutes whether all buildings fall inside the property and whether any...